
Music in Lyddington

Sponsorship 2024

If you to wish to be a Sponsor of Music in Lyddington in 2011, please fill in the form below, and return it with your cheque to Peter Lawson, 3 The Green, Lyddington, Rutland, LE15 9LW.



I/We should like to become a           

Principal Sponsor - £500 (8 free, 20 half price seats at concert of choice, 2 season tickets)    

Half Sponsor  - £300        (4 free, 8 half price seats at concert of choice, 2 season tickets)    

Quarter Sponsor - £200    (2 free, 4 half price seats at concert of choice, 2 season tickets)    

[Please tick as appropriate]

                                                                                                                                                         Title: __________Initials: _________Surname: _____________________________________


Address:  _______________________________________________________________________




______________________ Postcode: ________________ Phone number: __________________


Email address _______________________________________________________________

I enclose a cheque for £500/£300/£200 payable to “Music in Lyddington”  [Delete as appropriate]



The concert I/we would prefer to sponsor is:


_____________________________________________________________ Date: _____________

Acknowledgement of Sponsorship be to:


(Please print exact name(s) of individual(s) as you wish them to appear in the programme